Send Mail

Command Prototype

bRet = Mail.Send(sServer,sUid,sPwd,sTo,sTitle,sContent,sAttr,iPort,bSsl,sCc)

Command Description

Send a mail to the specified email address

Parameter Description
Required Parameter
sServer--The address of a SMTP server
sUid--Mailbox account
sPwd--Login password
sTo--Address of destination mailbox
sTitle--Message title
sContent--Message body content
sAttr--Message attachment
iPort--The SMTP server port (the default is 25), and generally does not need to be modified
bSsl--Whether to encrypt with ssl protocol, the default is false
sCc--CC email address,Multiple addresses are available["",""]. You can fill in by the form of array.
bRet--The variable used to save the output of the function call

results matching ""

    No results matching ""